Monday, September 27, 2010


This past weekend we went to Vail like we do every September so that he could teach a seminar.  Vail is always fun.  On the way up we tried to go "leaf peeping" at Mueller State Park but it appeared as though we missed the peak this year.  I think we were a week off, but I did get some good pictures.

I started walking/jogging and doing my wii fit plus. I put on my workout gear and my NEW shoes and I took the doggies for a walk today and then did my wii fit. I feel great but still really worried about my foot. I'm so ready to get back into shape. It's a good feeling.

Good things are happening. I'm making changes and I love it. I hope a big change will be happening soon, but we'll see. I'm quite hopeful because frankly it needs to happen. Think positive thoughts.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Tonight I made Gardein's new product Meatless Buffalo Tenders. I did not enjoy them. It was clearly a texture issue - too much tofu-y weirdness. I'm not completely sold on tofu yet - I need someone to make it crispy and cook it for me so I can start to enjoy it. However, the kiddo and the BF loved buffalo tenders. I also made Alexia olive oil and sea salt french fries. They were quite tasty. I put some extra sea salt on them. They were also great with some bleu cheese on the side. Luckily for me, I wasn't ridiculously hungry after putting the weird-texture-tenders in my mouth.

I haven't been able to sleep at all. I do have to be at work at 6:30am, but for the life of me I cannot stay asleep. I am always up from midnight to 3:30am. Pretty crappy since I have to wake up at 4:45am so I can start to hit my snooze with enough time to leave for work. So I am only getting about 2 hours of solid sleep a night. This has been happening all week. I don't have a problem with going to sleep; it's just being able to stay asleep. This has resulted in me taking a Tylenol pm to see if it will help.

I got a new cell phone yesterday. I finally got my Droid X in the mail and quickly started setting it up. It's amazing. I have no clue how I went so long without a phone that does all these amazing things AND on a screen that I can see them on! It makes my day a lot easier now that I am able to read on my phone.

I still need to write about my trip to New York...maybe I'll work on that this weekend.

I love Blue Dog. One day I'll own a picture...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Deal Breaker

Yesterday I went to Denver to hang out with my family and celebrate my brother-in-law's birthday. It was a lot of fun. Rob went on dinosaur adventure with Kyrah and it was so much fun to watch. He even made little dinosaur foot prints in the dirt when she wasn't watching.

Over the past 24 hours I realized that I have some deal breakers. It's come to that. We discussed it this afternoon and we're both going to try to fix it. I made it clear that if he does not fix it, I'm out the door. This is the first time I have really put my foot down and decided that I'm no longer going to deal with it and keep pushing my feelings aside. I assume that the next few days will be awkward - in the sense that I will push away and have my guard up even more. It's generally what happens.

On a happier note there was this traveling cow exhibit that came to Colorado a few years ago and I was looking through my pictures and it made me happy to look at them.  Check out Jacque Moosteau!
That's right. That's one awesome cow.

Oh, and kudos to me for being able to figure out how to post a picture! :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Long Day

Today was a ridiculously long day. I worked at 6:30am, left at 2:45pm and had to return back to work at 5:00pm for a "Meet the staff" thing. I've been there for over a year so one would think that it was not really necessary for me to be there, but it made me look good so I did it. Ha ha.

In between my break I saw an old friend who I haven't seen since early March. She is moving back here next month and I cannot wait. It was so good to catch up with her and it wasn't awkward at all. I'm glad we got together. I have the best friends, ever.

After work, I went to upgrade my phone. Now I have to wait for it to be shipped to me - 10 days. I'm REALLY excited about it.

I've been obsessed with gardein products. The "chicken" tenders are rocking my socks. I can't get enough of them. I'm also really digging this no meat thing. I saw a picture of a cow the other day, got super excited, got tears in my eyes, and yelled, "I don't eat you anymore."'s new and exciting.

Monday, September 6, 2010

New to This

I'm really new to this. I usually don't like writing about myself, but I want to start tracking my life and all the changes that are happening in my life. So we go! :) I would write more, but I have to do a heinous fantasy football draft right now. Guh!