Today was a ridiculously long day. I worked at 6:30am, left at 2:45pm and had to return back to work at 5:00pm for a "Meet the staff" thing. I've been there for over a year so one would think that it was not really necessary for me to be there, but it made me look good so I did it. Ha ha.
In between my break I saw an old friend who I haven't seen since early March. She is moving back here next month and I cannot wait. It was so good to catch up with her and it wasn't awkward at all. I'm glad we got together. I have the best friends, ever.
After work, I went to upgrade my phone. Now I have to wait for it to be shipped to me - 10 days. I'm REALLY excited about it.
I've been obsessed with gardein products. The "chicken" tenders are rocking my socks. I can't get enough of them. I'm also really digging this no meat thing. I saw a picture of a cow the other day, got super excited, got tears in my eyes, and yelled, "I don't eat you anymore."'s new and exciting.
Funny thing happened to me today....I was craving meat. Like any kind of meat. Maye my body feels the need to make up for your lack of it? :) Does your new phone do all kinds of new stuff?